
4 makes

Pizza Dough




5 minutes

Proof the yeast in the water.

5 minutes

Sift together the flour, sugar and salt. Add proofed yeast and oil and mix until dough comes together.

3 minutes

Transfer dough to a floured surface and knead until smooth. Move dough to a large oiled bowl, turn to coat, and cover.

60 minutes

Let dough rise in a warm area until doubled.

8 minutes

Punch down dough and shape into a small, flat disk. Working from the center, push the dough outward to make the disk larger. Pick up the dough and move your hands along the edges, allowing gravity to pull the dough into a 14" circle. Use immediately.


Made this again recently, and turned the single portion into two ~12" pizzas in an attempt to get a thinner, crisper crust, as previous attempts resulted in a breadier crust than I like. The dough was strong enough to work for two very thin crust pizzas, but didn't crisp up as much as I would have liked, which I attribute to my use of a pizza stone that probably wasn't hot enough. I think that if I used a pizza steel instead, this would have worked very well.

Rekamanon  May 8, 2022, 5:21 p.m.
Make Old

Made a double batch using regular all-purpose flour. After rising, divide and shaped into balls and let rest again for about 10 minutes. For the first one we tried shaping it on a pastry mat and transfering it to the hot stone, which didn't go great but did work. For the second attempt we shaped it in the air and placed it directly on the stone, quickly making adjustments to the shape before it set. This was definitely worked better. The crusts rose wonderfully but weren't as cooked as I would like. We made 14" pizzas but this could easily have been used for 16" or even 18".

Rekamanon  June 1, 2020, 1:18 a.m.
Make Old