
0 makes

Turkish Poğaça

A type of bread made in the Balkans, either leavened or unleavened, sometimes including a savory filling. The name is derived from the Latin 'panis focacius', as this bread (panis) was historically baked on the hearth (focus). This Turkish version of the recipe uses chemical leavening and a savory feta filling.




Preheat oven to 375.F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Whisk together the flour and baking soda in a bowl.

Prepare Dough

In a separate large bowl, mix together the 1/2 c. olive oil, butter, yogurt, 3 eggs, sour cream, dill, sugar, and salt until smooth. Mix in the flour mixture to form a soft dough. Work the dough in the bowl until no longer sticky.

Prepare Filling

In a separate bowl, mix together the feta, parsley, remaining 1/2 T. olive oil, lemon zest, black pepper, and paprika.


Pinch of 2 Tbsp. of dough, roll into a ball, and then press into a disk 3" across. Place 1 Tbsp. of the filling into the center of the disk, then bring the edges together over the filling and pinch to seal. Place on the prepared sheet, pinched side down, and continue with remaining dough and filling. Brush the tops with the beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

30 minutes

Bake the poğaça until the tops are shiny, brown, and cracked. Remove from pan and let cool on a rack.
