
2 makes

Bò Bía

4 serving

Bò bía is a variety of Vietnamese spring roll, often served with a Hoisin based dipping sauce. {Editor's note: Convert yield to rolls? Though that depends on the size of the rice sheets used.}



Blanch Vegetables

Saute, steam, or blanch the jicama and carrot until crisp-tender.

Prepare Egg

Beat together eggs, then cook in a pan with a small amount oil to form a thin omelette. Remove from pan, roll egg into a log, and then cut into thin ribbons.

Prepare Sausage

Lightly fry the sausage until crisp on both sides.

Prepare Shrimp

Lightly fry the shrimp and green onion with a small amount of oil until shrimp are lightly browned.


Working with one sheet of rice paper at a time, dip the sheet into warm water briefly to soften. Place sheet on a flat surface and begin filling. Add the basil, lettuce, jicama, and carrot to the sheet on the half closest to you, leaving 1-2 inches clear of along the margin of the rice paper. Add in the eggs and shrimp, and finally place several slices of sausage lengthwise along far end of the sheet. Lift the edge of the paper closest to you and fold just to cover the filling (not to the other edge of the sheet). Fold in each side of the rice paper, and then continue by tightly rolling away from yourself to the far edge of the rice paper.

Rekamanon, 1RCP - May 28, 2022


Made a double batch, again without Thai basil or dried shrimp. I don't thing the 2 eggs per portion of 1 green onion per portion is enough. I think closer to three eggs per portion and four green onions per per portion is closer.

Rekamanon  June 5, 2022, 5:42 p.m.

Made one batch, yielding 8. Used romaine lettuce, and didn't have any basil or shrimp. Even missing two very flavorful components, these are very nice when served with the Bò Bía Dipping Sauce.

Rekamanon  May 30, 2022, 1:17 a.m.