
2 makes

Sukuma Wiki

Sukuma wiki literally translated from Swahili means 'stretch the week'. It is a common dish in East African countries, including Kenya, Burundi, and Tanzania. Sukuma wiki sometimes includes chopped cooked meat, be it beef, chicken, goat, or fish, though this is not traditional. This dish is traditionally served with Ugali and sometimes rice.



5 minutes

Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Saute onions until translucent.

2 minutes

Add tomatoes and cook briefly to soften.


Add cayenne, bouillon, salt, and black pepper, stirring to incorporate. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat to build the sauce's flavor.

5 minutes

Stir in collard greens and continue cooking until they are the desired consistency.


Made this about a week ago without any meat. This is very simple and incredibly good. I initially had questions about whether the collards really only needed to cook for ~5 minutes, but it really does work out. They have a very nice chew to them, and unlike other experiences with collards that instruct very long (~45 minute) cook times, I didn't notice any bitterness at all. This will definitely become a regular part of our rotation.

Rekamanon  June 5, 2022, 5:50 p.m.
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