
1 make


2 serving

Also known as  'Chłodnik',  'Holodnik',  and  'Cold Borscht'.

A cold soup found throughout Eastern Europe, typically served in summer. In Lithuania it is known as šaltibarščiai and chłodnik or holodnik in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. It translates to 'cold soup', and is similar to borscht, sometimes called 'cold borscht'.




Mix all vegetables and dill in a large bowl. Pour kefir over, mix, and chill for at least 1 hour before serving. Thin with water if you prefer a thinner consistency.


Adjust salt and serve with the boiled egg and potatoes over top and additional dill as garnish.

Rekamanon, 1RCP - Oct. 19, 2021


Made this a few days ago with a single large beet (~300g), and fresh yogurt thinned with whey instead of kefir, and needed to add more than 500g to get anything resembling the consistency of a soup. I ended up adding a good bit more than a 'sprig' of dill (probably close to 1/2 c. chopped), and added more than 1/2 tsp. salt, probably about 1 tsp. This is fine, and would probably be quite nice with a grilled sandwich for lunch, but for a dinner it was not enough by itself. This also made much more than 2 servings, probably closer to 8, but this may be a factor of the size of the cucumbers.

Rekamanon  June 25, 2022, 4:25 p.m.