
1 make

Bánh Xèo

4 serving

A crispy Vietnamese pancake, usually stuffed with meats and vegetables and eaten dipped in nước chấm.




Mix together the flour, turmeric, salt, sugar, and pepper in a large bowl.


Slowly pour in the water and coconut, whisking to create a smooth batter.

2 minutes

Heat 2 Tbsp. of the oil in a wok. Fry the shallots briefly.

2 minutes

Add chicken and fish sauce to pan. Cook, stirring constantly, until chicken is almost cooked through.


Add shrimp and mushrooms. Continue stir frying until shrimp are just cooked through and juice from mushrooms has evaporated. Remove from heat.


Heat 1 tsp. of the oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Ladle in enough batter to just cover the bottom of the pan and swirl the pan so that the batter forms a circle and covers the pan.

4 minutes

Immediately add the filling and some of the beansprouts, scattering evenly over one half and leaving a border around the edge. Reduce heat to medium and cook until edges are crisp.


Fold the bare half of the pancake over top of the fillings.


Serve with nước chấm, fresh coriander, and mint.


Made a double batch of this. The ratios for the batter aren't right - I had to add significantly more water than indicated to get anything resembling a batter, let alone a batter thin enough to spread out evenly in the pan. I did use rice flour rather than rice ground in a blender as the original source indicates, which could explain. Regardless of that, these are pretty nice, but the crepes are simply too delicate to pick up and require eating the whole thing with a fork. As is, I won't be remaking this until I've evaluated other sources for this recipe and have modified this one to suite.

Rekamanon  July 16, 2022, 2:29 p.m.