Cranberry Bean

Other Names

Borlotti Bean
Rosecoco Bean


Cranberry beans are also sometimes referred to as 'romano' beans, but that term is more commonly applied to the fresh pod form of beans. The Turkish name for these beans, 'Barbunya', can also refer to the red mullet fish. As wish most ingredients, if a recipe calls simply for 'cranberry beans', assume it means the fresh, just-shelled variety. If it means for you to use dried cranberry beans, it should say so.


Cranberry beans are a cream colored bean with splashes of wine red. They are especially popular in Italy and Turkey, but are not uncommon throughout the Mediterranean. When cooked, these beans have a creamy texture and strong flavor. They are frequently cooked fresh (late spring - early summer) after shelling but are also available dried, though the texture and flavor is different.

Recipes using this ingredient

Barbunya Pilaki
0 makes

Pulse > Shell Bean > Cranberry Bean

Types of Cranberry Beans