
Other Names

Daikon Radish
Asian Radish
Chinese Radish


Korean moo are often mistakenly called daikon. Moo are rounder, shorter, and crisper.


A large, long winter radish common throughout Asia, especially Japan, China, and Korea. Daikon are usually white, but some varieties exist of other colors. Daikon is milder and less peppery than other radishes and has a crisp, juicy texture. When cooked, the flavor is similar to turnip.


Recipes using this ingredient

Tentsuyu 天つゆ
0 makes

Kkakdugi 깍두기
1 make

Shiokojizuke Daikon 大根の塩麹漬け
0 makes

Chinese Braised Daikon
1 make

Fukujinzuke 福神漬け
0 makes