
Other Names

Cactus Pad


Nopales are the fleshy pads of prickly pear cactus. Younger pads are preferred, and have a texture similar to that of okra - soft, slippery, and crunchy. The flavor may be described as a combination of green bell peppers, asparagus, and green beans. Care must be taken when handling fresh nopales. There are many varieties of prickly pear cactus, some of which are easier to work with than others. Varieties with large, distinct spines are easiest, while those with many hair-like glochids are more difficult. Pass the pads through fire to burn off the glochids, or carefully peel, trim, and wash the pads to remove.

Recipes using this ingredient

Ensalada de Nopales
0 makes

Vegetable > Nopal